This year, I have not only been following the transits of the sun through the gates of Human Design, but I’ve been paying attention to the earth transits and the North Node transits as well. Why? Well, as the sun, earth, moon and planets transit through the gates, the energies of those gates seem stronger and more accessible, especially if they are undefined for us in our charts.
The BIG one so far this year has been the North Node of the Moon in Gate 51 Shock. It has been there all year, direct and retrograde and finally left it on the 11th , moving into Gate 21 Self Discipline. The North Node represents our mature theme so we’ve gone from disruption and chaos into self-discipline where it remains until mid-July.
It is this shock energy that propels us forward, oftentimes with great protest, because the proverbial apple cart is upturned and the apples are rolling all over the place. The systems and structures that have been in place, such as forms of government, religion, education, health, economy are all experiencing shock and disruption. What has always been accepted now is being examined and changes are being demanded. It is unsettling to say the least.
This also happens in our personal lives where disruption breaks the status quo and we find ourselves on earthquake ground, trying to gain stability and unsure how to get there. This is exactly when we need to focus on the SELF, self-discipline and breathe. As we calm our SELF, we can begin to move through the chaos.
The North Node reminds us that the maturing theme energy for us is Self-Discipline as we try to figure out who we are, what we are, how we are, what we believe, our values, and where we want to be. The chaos shook us all up. Now we need to figure out what to do with it, what to keep, what to discard, and how to live in this time of transition. These next two months are a time to figure out what we want to be aligned with and begin to live in that alignment.
Then, on July 19th, the North Node transit is to Gate 17 Sorting Possibilities. This tells me that we do not need to make huge decisions right now. We have time to go inward and figure things out for ourselves.
How do we want to live moving forward?
Do we want more chaos or do we want to land somewhere?
What will that landing place be like?
What will it take for us to live in that alignment we so desire?
As mid-July comes, we can begin to look at all the possibilities we’ve envisioned and begin exploring the possibility of each one. We’ll be in the exploring possibility energy until early December when the North Node moves into Gate 25 Loving What Is.
Now, think about that trajectory if you will – from disruption, shock and chaos, the world needs to move into a phase of self-discipline. The chaos has to settle and we need to begin doing the work of aligning to a world filled with possibility and being able to sort through them to land on what best serves us all. Possibility that allows us to live in our flow while it also allows for the other to live in their flow. As we come to December, it will be time to love one another, see one another as being purposeful in this life, and come to appreciate the Divine in every being.
Can we transform the anger and hatred that has been shouting at us thus far this year into a loving, compassionate acceptance of one another at the close of the year?
Can we find a way to contribute to the self-discipline that is needed to separate ourselves from the chaos so that we can entertain the possibility of living in harmony?
Each of us has a role to play and now is the time to begin your delve into your self-discipline to reduce and remove the disruptions from your life so that you are prepared to sort through the possibilities that can bring you to a place where you recognize the unique purpose and Divine love working in us all.
It’s time to figure out how to bring optimism and hope into the realm of this world, beginning with our SELF, and supporting others to do the same. This time of chaos and disruption was necessary so that we begin the journey to hope.
If you find you are struggling with the chaos of the world around you and are ready to focus on how to traverse into self-discipline so that you can feel that optimism and hope, schedule a complimentary call with me to see how learning your Human design can be the path to get you there. Visit and book that call with me.