How’s your Balance doing these days?

Finding balance is such an important theme for me.

by April Goff Brown

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Finding balance is such an important theme for me. The extremes are uncomfortable and at times, dangerous. Polarization in our politics, for example, is dangerous because there is no balance, no willing to give and take, to compromise, to listen and digest. But that’s another post on another day.

I’ve been exploring astrology of late and just finished reading a detailed report about me based on my date, time and place of birth. What I found is the word “Balance” appeared so many times. 

My Fire and Air elements are balanced while the Earth and Water are under-emphasized.  So, I have a healthy ambition and drive and clarity (and I do).

My Cardinal and Mixed signs are balanced and Mutable underemphasized. (So yes, I do like to have things my way, I admit it.)

Uranus is my ruling planet and is big energy in my Human Design about being open to possibility, that both/and can be true and optimism is necessary. My chart shows me that my work is play and when it no longer is, it’s time to go. Work and pay need to be balanced for me to feel energized.

Uranus also governs the link between the inner and outer me. Clarity and organization are necessary so as not become overwhelmed. Balancing the inner and outer house is necessary for optimal living.

It got me to wondering whether our life’s journey is all about seeking and finding balance to live optimally.  For example, as I read my Mars Profile, it was explosive, with words like formidable, power, courage, enemy, and I could feel my insides reacting. These didn’t sound like me. 

In Human Design, we think of Mars energy as youthful energy, youthful lessons so I reflected back to youth and experiences in the past. I could explode with anger, get easily frustrated especially if my authority or intellect was questioned. It was exhausting. It was unsatisfactory. It drained me. I didn’t want to live like that any longer.

When I finally moved on my own I began to shape a life that was drama free – balanced. I see I deliberately keep drama from my day-to-day. Anything that drains my energy gets left behind. Creating a life with flexibility, ease, options, and security has allowed me to find balance and the more I have it, the more I want it. 

  • It’s about having, and being, enough.
  • It’s coming to grips with who you are and creating a life that allows you to be who you are.
  • It’s being satisfied with your enoughness.
  • It’s contentment.
  • It’s acknowledging your SELF, 
  • ….loving your SELF, and 
  • ….living with your SELF.

That’s what Human Design does. 

With it, I guide you to finding your SELF, learning to accept all aspects of your SELF, and coming to fully love, be in love with, your SELF. I guide you finding ways to live in alignment with how you are meant to be, so you can feel balanced. When you are balanced, life energy can flow freely.

So I ask you again, how’s your balance doing these days?

Let’s talk. I invite you to schedule a complimentary “Let’s Chat call and see how I can guide you to creating balance in your life. Schedule that here at