aligned life

An aligned life is a life that honors who you are.

Knowing and working with your Human Design will help you get there.

Are you ready to honor you and live as you are meant to be? Start here by downloading your free chart and mini-report.

download my free gift for you

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Here's how I can help you

Find clarity to live your truest self

Human Design foundational Reading

perfect for you if:

you are new to human design, never had a reading done and are curious about your aligned story

book a reading

Align to Your Human Design

perfect for you if:

get deeper into your design and learn what is necessary to live in alignment to your design

book a reading

intuitive Life Coaching

perfect for you if:

you are ready to release those parts of your story that are no longer working and reframe your story into an empowered aligned one

learn more

do any of these sound like you?

Are you successful in your career and feel less successful in your personal life?
Do you struggle with balancing your work and personal lives into one amazing life?
Do you have so much on your plate that you are tired and feeling drained?

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You’re overwhelmed by all the things you need to do and can’t find enough time.

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You generally prioritize everyone else over yourself

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You know there is more but you're unsure how to unlock it

Today we are all under pressure to achieve more and it is burning us out.  What if I told you that the best way to relieve the pressure is to stop and take time for yourself?  In just a few sessions with me, you can begin to understand what is causing your struggle, where the obstacles are, and how you can begin to release what no longer serves you in order to have a life of joy.  

Your first step is to schedule your complimentary 30 minute chat to find out how Human Design and Align to You Coaching can help you.

schedule complimentary chat

Here are my core beliefs

If you’re not good for yourself, you can’t be good for anyone else. When you focus on everyone and everything except yourself, you cannot truly live as you are meant to be.  You need to be kind to yourself, love yourself, and nurture yourself. 

Self-worth comes from within when we are self-generous, self-accepting, and learn to love ourselves in spite of and despite what we think are our flaws. We are worthy because we are.

We are responsible for our choices. Letting things just happen is a choice. Not choosing is a choice. But really, there are better ways to choose what is best for you. Choosing right takes understanding your core values and learning how to live in integrity with them.

There are no mistakes in life – only lessons to be learned. Sometimes though, we need to repeat that lesson over and over because we just didn’t get it – yet! There’s always time to learn it. It’s never too late.

Transforming requires readiness. We can work to open your awareness but only you can use that awareness to make change.

These beliefs form the foundation of my work – with you.

schedule complimentary chat

imagine how amazing you'll feel when you...

The unalome and lotus flower represents the path to enlightenment.

Step into your authentic self

The unalome and lotus flower represents the path to enlightenment.

Have more balance in your life

The unalome and lotus flower represents the path to enlightenment.

Create more time for yourself

The unalome and lotus flower represents the path to enlightenment.

Live in a state of ease and flow

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Intentionally make time for yourself

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Have more time for self-development

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Make more time for introspection

  • Discover the path that feels aligned
  • Feel confident, trusting in the journey ahead
  • Identify potential blocks and how to address them and watch the abundance ignite in your life
  • Change limiting beliefs to empowered liberating beliefs

schedule complimentary chat

decorative: lotus flower crowns the path to alignment

here's how i can help you

decorative: lotus flower crowns the path to alignment

here's how i can help you


Let’s Connect Call

This 20-30 minute call is all about you and your journey. It's your opportunity to explore how Human Design and personalized coaching can transform your life.

Learn More

Single Sessions

These single sessions are designed just for you. They are personalized consultations that focus on a specific area that you define on an aspect of your life

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Align to You sessions

This powerful three-session package combines the wisdom of Human Design with personalized coaching to help you unlock your full potential.

Learn More

happy clients

michelle Lemoi
“Working with April has been a joy as well as transformative!  Taking April’s Vision Board workshop helped me to focus in on areas while incorporating the wisdom and guidance of the oracle cards, bringing in the power of intention setting, and grounding the vision with loving affirmations.  April holds beautiful space for participants by offering encouragement, support, and an element of fun!  I highly recommend working with April and engaging in this workshop especially if you are looking for a more spiritual approach to making future dreams and goals a reality!”
elevate - women in construction
Barb Pritchard
“April’s Vision Board Quest infuses much more of your goals and dreams AND Spirit into the process, making it much more personal. I love the added touch of drawing Oracle cards and asking Spirit to guide us through the process. If you want to envision and manifest, this is the way. It didn't take me long to begin manifesting from my board!

April takes it a step further with her Intuitive Coaching and Human Design. I'm a 6/2 Splenic Projector. Basically, my open emotional center was overriding my defined spleen, causing me to feel at war with my intuition and not hold my boundaries in my business. April helped me to put words to and understand what I've been feeling and coached me through how to recognize, empathize, and hold firm in my own boundaries. I feel so free! And new doors have opened for me!”
Infinity Brand Design
Brand Strategist + Intuitive Designer
Jacquelyn Nazario
“My personal growth increased exponentially when I began my coaching journey with April. April’s gift of listening with patience allowed me to accept all parts of me and expand my awareness. I learned to love all parts of my human design without judgment.

I have cried, laughed, and had plenty of aha moments as I evolved. The readings and our sessions always give me plenty to ponder. I have learned to enjoy the journey. I have become a better professional, parent, partner, and human as I have learned how to navigate some of my toughest storms by looking inside first. So grateful to April for helping me navigate the beautiful challenge of evolving. The spiritual awakening has changed my life.”
COMPASS Youth Collaborative

i'm april.

your human design specialist and intuitive journey guide.

For a long time I wondered what my purpose was. Whatever I thought was it, really didn't light me up the way I thought a purpose should. I have since come to learn, through Human Design,  that having a purpose is crucial for me. I'd like to share it with you as it represents the heart and soul of who I am:

hello there

I am here to:

The unalome and lotus flower represents the path to enlightenment.

Bring forth change and transformation in how we love and nurture ourselves and one another

The unalome and lotus flower represents the path to enlightenment.

Guide others in embracing the wonders of life, deepening the meaning of their personal journey, restoring flow where energy is stuck and reshaping a personal narrative that moves from limiting to empowering

The unalome and lotus flower represents the path to enlightenment.

Deepen and share wisdom from life's experiences of possibility, purpose and transformation

The unalome and lotus flower represents the path to enlightenment.

Live in abundance of Spirit, surrendering with grace to the mysteries of life and spirit as a quest for Joy here in this lifetime

I'd love to help you find your purpose to live a life that you deserve, full of joy, abundance, and possibility that is lovingly empowering.

schedule complimentary chat

can you relate

i understand

to these stories?

business barb

Barb is an entrepreneur who was struggling with clients who didn’t respond on time, resulting in her having to follow-up over and over again. Deadlines were missed.

She found it difficult to really plan out her time, which is critical to her business.

During a session, it was suddenly very clear - she needed to channel her inner “Business Barb” and put herself and her business first. She needed to figure out her boundaries, communicate them clearly, and hold to them. Once she recognized how she was blocking her own growth, she firmly held to her boundaries and even let misaligned clients go.

Soon after, she booked her highest grossing five-figure project and she’s been growing ever since.

The added benefit? She was able to focus on her boundaries in her personal life and remove toxic relationships.

jackie time

Jackie was struggling with finding time for herself.

Her focus was outward on everyone else and helping them solve their problems. When we looked at her Human Design profile, we saw that people wanted a lot from her, and always wanted her to be what they needed at that moment. It fed into her need to be helpful. Then when she wasn’t successful at rescuing, she’d dive in to learning more until she came up with another solution. This pattern happened over and over again. In session, we talked about saving others instead of allowing others to save themselves and how this pattern blocked her from paying attention to her own self-care.

With practice, she is learning how to allow others to find their solutions and she has made more time for herself and self-care.

sheri's dream

Sheri was struggling with continuing her dream entrepreneurship work or finding a full time job with steady income.

Her inner battle was creating angst and she wasn’t feeling happy.

We focused on helping her understand her sacral inner authority and guided her into understanding how to ask the yes/no questions that would guide her in making the right choice for herself.

She refused the job offer and continues to do what she loves.

Your journey to you starts here.

Valeria Iannini, PhD
“The three sessions with April opened my eyes to so many things about myself. Besides a really in-depth reading of my Human Design graphic, which April explained very clearly, we then focused on what was important to me at the time, which was launching my business. Having arrived with a thousand insecurities and confusion about how to proceed, April's reading showed me what I didn't see in myself, that everything I need for my business is already in me. By the end of the package of sessions I was motivated, confident and full of enthusiasm. Sometimes what we need most is a person who is not only absolutely competent and professional as April is but also with her ability to connect deeply with us, a skill that is not learnt but that April has by nature.

Highly recommended especially if, like me, you need clarity on an aspect of your existence.”
The New Lemuria™, Multidimensional Coaching & Healing

what you can expect

when we work together

You will quickly gain awareness and perspective through the Quantum Human Design™ Foundation Reading.

You will understand how your design impacts your life through the three session deep dive into your human design.

in my 3 month intuitive life coaching program...

You will learn to acknowledge and accept all parts of yourself as a beginning step to honoring and loving yourself.

You will gain a perspective on your personal struggles that allows you to release limiting beliefs and reframe them into empowered liberating beliefs.

You will become the artist of your life, making changes as you transition into living fearlessly as yourself.

You will learn to live the ART of you so you can live aligned to you.

You will feel supported and guided throughout the whole process, learning to find wisdom in adversity, gifts from your challenges, and faith in who you are.




guiding you to finding your insight and trusting your inner wisdom so that you reveal your truest self.

imagine what it will feel like

once you're able to

  • feel more confident in what’s ahead for you
  • feel supported and at peace with yourself
  • feel that the most important relationship you can have is the one with yourself
  • release the constraints that keep you from being you

schedule with april

unlock the opportunities that await you

schedule with april

Human Design™ Foundational Reading

perfect if you want to:

gain a better understanding of who you are

what's included:

60 minutes session to go over the basics of your Human Design chart which is your Type, Authority & Strategy. You will receive a copy of your bodygraph and a summary of what the centers mean prior to your appointment. After the appointment, you will receive a customized written summary of your chart.

Price: $


/mo for 


or $

 paid in full


book this reading

book this reading - pay monthly

book this reading - pay in full

Align to Your Human Design

perfect if you want to:

get deeper into your design and learn what is necessary to live in alignment to your design

what's included:

  • 3 sessions: 60 to 75 minutes each
  • Go deep into your Human Design chart
  • Guide you in learning more about the person you were born to be
  • Recommended that you have completed a Foundational Reading before scheduling this package

Price: $


/mo for 


or $

 paid in full


book this session

book this reading - pay monthly

book this reading - pay in full

Start Your Journey to You

perfect if you want to:

Knowing the ART of You allows you to live Aligned to You. (formerly Vision Board Quest)

what's included:

Knowing the ART of You allows you to live Aligned to You. It begins with Awareness of who you are designed to be, continues with some Reflection, all designed to guide you to the beginning of Transformation.

You are guided through a powerful process to learning about your self, what you really want, and creating a vision for getting there. Then you will create your personal Alignment Board to remind you of your intentions and dreams in a small cohort of women who become your supporters and partners in learning who the aligned you really is.

Find out more details by clicking the button below.

Price: $


/mo for 


or $

 paid in full


start your journey

book this reading - pay monthly

book this reading - pay in full

Intuitive Coaching

perfect if you want to:

explore how you can live your story as you are meant to be

what's included:

Intuitive life coaching is a 3-6 month process where we meet every other week. Your coaching is built around your Human Design and the areas you’ve identified that you want to work with for a better life flow.  Oracle cards may be used in your sessions to help provide insight into a block or to provide guidance into next possible steps. Each session is confidential and individualized for you.

Find out more details by clicking the button below.

Price: $


/mo for 


or $

 paid in full


book a curiosity call

book this reading - pay monthly

book this reading - pay in full

decorative: lotus flower crowns the path to alignment

here's how it works

The unalome and lotus flower represents the path to enlightenment.


start at the beginning

Schedule your call to learn more. Then...

The unalome and lotus flower represents the path to enlightenment.


Schedule your first service

We’ll discuss the options in our call.

The unalome and lotus flower represents the path to enlightenment.


Start your process

Fill in your information in the short form & accept our terms and conditions.

The unalome and lotus flower represents the path to enlightenment.



Make your payment, receive your appointment confirmation and we’ll be on our way!

Sheri Giancarlo
“Being new to the world of Human Design I wasn’t sure what to expect and was equally curious and skeptical about what the outcome would bring. For me it began with a New Year’s oracle card reading followed by a vision board quest and then deep dive into the “Aligning to Myself” program all of which occurred over the course of 8 weeks.

The goal in April’s program is to truly be in touch with oneself and the time commitment required is key to understanding the depth of soul searching involved to achieve the most meaningful results. I have learned (through this experience) that I have great intuition. Having “graduated” from the program I can say with confidence, the person I am is who I was meant to become, by design. I understand the who, what, where, why and whens of my existence, and can articulate, defend, predict and accept my thoughts and actions. In this world of uncertainty, having this self-knowledge provides a much needed respite, a foundation of assurance and source of knowing to keep me grounded and guided throughout my life experience. Working with April has been a very rewarding experience not only because you benefit from her in depth knowledge of human design, her kindhearted wisdom and championing attitude, but also because you simply are worth the investment in searching your own soul where the keys to your existence live that illuminate the path ahead shining brightly with clarity.”

Frequently asked questions


Click the down arrow to learn more.
If you have questions that I didn't cover here, I invite you contact me.

Why should I learn about my Human Design?

Human Design is an amazing tool to help you gain clarity about who you are and where conditioning in your life has led you astray from being your true self. It begins with the information of your birthdate, time and place of birth so that your chart can be created. It is an uncannily accurate picture of who you are meant to be. The reading and subsequent coaching can help you find your way, identify areas where you are struggling and why, and help you find strategies that lead you to living your best life.

What can I expect in my coaching sessions?

You will have a safe space to explore and come to greater understanding of who you are and why you are. April gently guides you through those areas you are challenged with using your Human Design chart to inform and oracle cards to provide guidance. The blending of these two modalities give greater insight and awareness. 

In each session, you will identify the area you want to work on. Through a series of questions, April will guide the conversation and no two sessions are alike. It is a highly individualized process. You will leave your session feeling heard and with actions to take to continue your progress. 

Please note that fees are non-refundable once your sessions are scheduled. However, if you find that the coaching is not working for you, it is up to you to discuss this with April to determine how to proceed. You are in charge of your life and April will do what she can to help you feel empowered.

my human design story

Who am I?

I have an uncanny intuitive knowledge that is the source of my wisdom. I have been blessed with being able to embrace and integrate new ideas and ways of doing things. As a result, I am an innovator in blending different practices into a holistic approach to working with clients.

My own story has been evolving with such clarity as I learned Human Design and oracle cards. My card reading helped me become more reflective and look deep within for my own intuitive guidance. I’ve studied under some amazing oracle readers, incorporating my own intuitive sense into the approaches I learned. I’ve come to see how the moon cycles and planetary alignments can influence our world around us. I’ve also been studying with Karen Curry Parker, creator of the Quantum Human Design™ system that builds upon the traditional approach and have found so many “aha” moments and clarity as to my blueprint and discovered some of the why’s of who I am.‍

I am a 6/2 Orchestrator (Projector) with Emotional Authority and an active splenic energy of intuition.

What does this mean?

  • I am here to guide the movement of humanity one person at a time to live in their greatest alignment.
  • I have innate and powerful wisdom that enables me to listen intently and ask thought-provoking questions to get you to your “ahas”.
  • I see possibilities in everyone and know that there are so many ways to look at life.
  • I use my natural curiosity to support your value so that you may truly offer your unique contributions to the greater world.
  • I trust in Source to guide me, to bring me the right timing, to give me what I need to best be able to serve you.

I am in such awe of the wonderful composition of human beings and how unique we all are.

The sad part is that many of us aren’t living in our truest alignment which results in low energy, poor health, emotional disturbances and more. The more I have come into my own alignment, the richer and happier my life has become. I have learned to trust in the core aspects of my self – my strong intuitive wisdom is at the heart of my being. I know things in ways I cannot explain, but this knowing allows us to explore through thoughtful and thought-provoking conversation.

As your Intuitive Journey Guide, I see a bigger picture that transcends the smaller details you are in the midst of. My approach is designed to walk you through the forest until we get to the clearing that opens you up to the possibilities that are waiting for you.

I want to share this with you and help you reach this same place!

Your journey to you starts here.


Do you have questions? Are you looking to collaborate? Please fill out the form below and I'll be in touch soon or scroll down and book a call on my calendar and let's get acquainted.

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